GNSS Receiver Modules
OEM GNSS Receivers
GPS/GNSS receivers that are designed to allow easy incorporation into specialized solutions.
Trimble offers the latest centimeter-level positioning technology to system integrators. GPS/GNSS receivers are designed to allow easy incorporation into specialized or custom hardware solutions. GPS/GNSS receiver modules harness the widest range of GPS L1/L2/L5 and GLONASS L1/L2 signals in easy-to-integrate modules that provides fast RTK initialization with proven low-elevation tracking. Decimeter positioning with OmniSTAR XP/HP support is also available.
Trimble’s OEM GNSS receivers combine the Trimble receivers with the Ashtech receivers to form a powerful portfolio that includes the receiver boards as well as enclosures and sensors. All are designed for easy integration and rugged dependability. All software features are password-upgradeable, allowing functionality to be upgraded as your requirements change. Industry professionals trust Trimble embedded positioning technologies as the core of their precision applications.
OEM GNSS Enclosures & Sensors
Multi-frequency GNSS receivers allowing rapid integration of centimeter-level positioning and precise heading into applications.
Trimble GNSS OEM sensors and receiver enclosures offer multi-channel, multi-frequency GNSS receivers which allow rapid integration of centimeter-level positioning and precise heading into applications. These sensors/enclosures provide general-purpose, real-time, high-accuracy, absolute positioning applications, with additionally accurate heading measurements and relative positioning.
Sensors and Enclosures come in a wide variety of configurations that can support all constellation groups. System integrators can choose which product best suits their needs. All sensors and enclosures are housed in weatherproof, lightweight, rugged enclosures capable of accommodating multiple receiver boards as well as integrated radio communications.
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