Selected Manufacturers | RF Circulator Isolator | RFCI
Waveguide Products
RF Circulator Isolator, Inc. (RFCI) was incorporated in September 2012. RFCI acquired CIPL (Circulator/Isolator Product Line) business from RFMD, when RFMD decided to exit the CI business. Management, engineering team, support group, and oversea manufacturing were transferred intact to RFCI.
RFCI continues to provide excellent support to our customers, but without red tapes and large overhead. With this advantage, RFCI can bring final products to market sooner at a lower price, and support each customer with utmost care.
Their talented engineering team has a combination of many years of working in ferrite products. RFCI design & manufacture the most challenging ferrite devices to serve in commercial markets. Currently, we’re one of the biggest suppliers to the Base Station markets.